Turnitin.com has.....
130+ million student papers
823,414 active instructors
19 million students under license
13.5+ billion web pages indexed
90,000+ journals, periodicals & books
9,500+ educational institutions worldwide
Have any of you had to submit anything to Turnitn.com. and/or any other Antiplagiarism software? Do you know of anyone who has had problems with this Software?
ReplyDeleteI have never heard of turnitin and have not handed anything into it before but it seems interesting. I think it is a good tool to catch people and I also think many students may plagarize on accident and can they hand it into them to check it before they hand it in to their teachers
ReplyDeleteYou are absolutely correct. Often times students take a few words from a paper and this program can catch that if it’s in its database. However, this program has its faults as well. Some schools make students submit their papers to antiplagiarism web sites, which then forward the response to the teacher. On occasion the program will show plagiarism, when there is not any at all. If words or phrases are similar it can cause an alert. The teacher has to make sure they check into this prior to punishing the student.
I used turnit.com in high school for one of my AP classes. The teacher made it mandatory that we turn out papers in through this website. As you both have touched upon there are certain faults with this website. I remember hoping every time before I hit submit that I didn't plagiarize. Even with citing my work and putting information in my own words there was also a small percentage of the paper that was "plagiarized" or so the website said so. To account for this margin of error my teacher would allow up to a certain percentage plagiarized, if the percentage was over the number he decided on hen we would have to sit down and discuss it with him.
ReplyDeleteThis website was very easy to use though, at least the version I used 4 years ago.
I didn't know that student's did that, especially using the internet in such a clever way. I know that sometimes our students copy off the internet and just change a few words.
ReplyDeleteMy students don't use citations in their essay but sometimes they do research internet for presentations and copy materials. It would be good to explain to older students all about plagiarism